A Reading List for Classical, Christian Students and Parents
At Providence Christian Academy, our desire is not only for students to learn how to read, but also to acquire a passion for reading. The literature lists were developed to encourage reading while also allowing for individual choice and preference. Our hope at PCA is that parents and children will come to know and love some of the best authors and literature that exist, and develop a lifelong love of reading!
The literature lists were designed with specific objectives in mind.
When using the literature list for your student’s grade level, keep the following features in mind.
Literature Lists by Grade
Reading Levels
Reading levels are recorded as a decimal. To interpret the reading level, the number to the left of the decimal indicates a grade level. The number to the right of the decimal indicates the number of months into the school year. For instance, a reading level of 2.1 means second grade, first month. A reading level of 2.8 means second grade, the eighth month. Both reading levels are at a second grade level; however, one is at an early second grade reading level whereas the other is at a late second grade reading level.
We hope you have a blast reading! We imagine and pray for many wonderful hours in which students are transported by great words from great minds – words so well chosen that they “awaken sensibility, great emotions, and understanding of the truth.”(Hunt, Gladys, Honey for a Child’s Heart, Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 1989, p.14)