Community Service Program
The mission of Providence Christian Academy is to teach students to seek God’s truth and to equip them with the tools for a lifetime of learning. We believe that serving our community in the name of Christ is an integral part of accomplishing this mission.
In addition to the service projects students complete in each grade throughout their academic life at PCA, Rhetoric School students are required to complete 20 hours of individual service each school year (June 1-May 31). Of the 20 total hours, at least 10 of the hours must be completed with an organization in our community. The remaining 10 hours can be accomplished by serving here at PCA or in their church. This is important because we do not only want to be the hands and feet of Christ in our school and church but out in our community as well.
One of the goals of the service hours is that students become comfortable and confident in seeking out opportunities to serve in our community. Therefore, it is up to the individual student and his or her family to arrange and implement service activities.
Volunteer Hours
Logging Hours
All Rhetoric students recieve an invitation to download the Mobile Serve app. When logging community service hours, students must obtain the supervising adult’s signature associated with the organization where the service was completed. Hours not logged into the Mobile Serve app will not count towards PCA community service requirements.
Students logging 150 hours or more of documented community service over the four years of high school will be recognized at graduation with a green service cord.
Delinquent Hours
A student who fails to complete the 20 hours of required service by May 31st will need to make up the delinquent hours the following year. Seniors must complete their log and report their hours by March 31st. Should any senior fail to complete the required number of service hours, he or she will be permitted to receive his or her final transcript once delinquent hours are completed.
Please contact Mr. Nickens with questions.