
More Ways to Support PCA

PCA parents, grandparents, alumni and friends can support PCA every time they shop!  See below for ways you can support the PCA Annual Fund through your regular purchases.

Kroger Cards

Register your current Kroger card online and PCA will receive a percentage of your purchase each time you shop!  Registering your Kroger card will not affect your accumulation of fuel points.  To register your Kroger card, go to:  Once you create an account, select ‘Providence Christian Academy’ or enter PCA’s Kroger NPO number: XM382.
*Please note: Kroger requires supporters to re-register each August.

Publix Cards

Sign up for a account and select Providence Christian Academy as your preferred school. Enter your phone number each time you checkout and a portion of each purchase will benefit PCA.

Office Depot Rewards

Use your PCA Office Depot card, ask the cashier to give credit to PCA or or enter our school ID number and PCA will receive 5% of your purchase.  The PCA Office Depot school ID is: 70093589.

BoxTops for Education

Box Tops for Education is going digital! This will be the last year that we will accept traditional clipped Box Tops as they phase out the production of the printed Box Top. Collecting Box Tops and earning cash for PCA is now even easier! Simply download the Box Tops app and scan your receipt after shopping. The Box Tops app will automatically find the participating items and apply it to the rewards given to PCA.

Honor/ Memorial Donation to the Given – Carter Library

To give a book in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one, please contact the PCA Librarian.  The Librarian will work with you to select and purchase a book.  All books in honor/ in memory of an individual must be purchased by the PCA Librarian.  A minimum gift of fifty dollars is required for each honor/ memorial book donation.  These gifts will be acknowledged with a special bookplate naming the donor and the individual who is being recognized.  Monetary donations to the Given – Carter Library are tax deductible and the donor will receive a thank you letter from the PCA Development office for tax purposes.  The Development office will also send an acknowledgement letter to the recipient to notify them that an honor/ memorial gift has been made to the Given – Carter Library. The donor’s name and address will be included in the acknowledgement letter in the event that the recipient wishes to send a personal thank-you note to the donor.  The dollar amount of the gift will not be included in the acknowledgement letter sent to the recipient.

Thank you for supporting Providence Christian Academy!

Happy 4th of July!

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬

PCA faculty & staff are engaged in professional development and continuing education throughout the summer! Several faculty members recently attended the Association of Classical Christian Schools Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA. They are looking forward to sharing and incorporating what ...they learned!

PCA was honored to recently host the Murfreesboro Police Department SRO and SWAT Team on our campus. The group spent two full days at PCA engaged in a variety of training exercises. We are grateful for all first responders who work hard to protect and serve our community! #WeArePCA