But It Was an Accident!
Showing grace to others when it hurts (literally)
Walking down the halls at school, I have observed the occasional student who is daydreaming while holding up the line. Sometimes students will gently remind their peers to move along, but other times it can sound like and look more like, “Go!!” accompanied by a handsy reminder. Perhaps this student was hungry and really impatient to get to the lunch room? Or maybe this is a recurring offense with the daydreamer holding up the line? Either way, as I kick off guidance lessons this quarter for the School of Grammar in K – 1st, we will be exploring what it means to be kind and be your best – the two newest of three rules for Pre-K & 1st. In the wonderful children’s book, Milk Goes to School by Terry Border, we meet a well meaning student on her first day of school. The situation goes south quickly as accidents are turned into a source of contention, and feelings get hurt. In one of many mistakes, the main character, Milk, discovers that when accidents happen, it’s not an excuse to be unkind to classmates. At the end of the guidance lesson, we take time to share examples of accidents, such as someone spilling a water bottle on art work, or a student that walks too closely to the back of your shoes – which can be painful! Modeling and teaching alternative ways to respond to disappointment, frustration, and even pain will underscore the need for grace and good communication skills for all our students. If you haven’t had a chance to hear about the new School of Grammar rules, these are some great talking points to review with your children at home :
Pre – K & 1st
Be Kind
Be your best
Obey right away (with a good attitude)
2nd – 5th
Be respectful
Be your best
Be prepared
Jamie Kuban, M. Ed.
Grammar School Counselor